How To Cope With A Brutal World: The Truth That Sets You Free But First Breaks You!
Why Should You Be Reading This Book?
The societal rat race is the single biggest cause of anxiety and sadness in our lives. Societal training, right from your childhood, gives you tremendous ambition but no reliable way to fulfill that ambition. It gives you tremendous desire but no way to truly satiate that desire. It gives you tremendous thirst, but it gives you barely any water to fulfill that thirst.
On top of that, much of what you are taught about it is PLAIN wrong and this sets people out on the wrong path from the very beginning.
Unfortunately, I believe this world has countless such so called teachers and I have personally been misled by many such figures.
Unlearning their nonsense was the point of the first book I wrote: Unlearn.
This book though is the next rung of the ladder and talks about How You Can Cope With A Brutal World from MULTIPLE ANGLES.
Because life is not one dimensional, life is multidimensional.
BUT, A Disclaimer: First Things First
There is a story of a sage who also had supernatural powers to influence the cosmos.
The emperor summoned him and pointed to a particular star in the sky.
“Can you remove that star?”, asked the emperor.
The said “Yes."
“Remove that star then”, said the emperor.
The sage said “Okay.” He looked at the star, closed his eyes, concentrated and then finally opened his eyes again.
“The star is removed.”
“Removed?” asked the emperor. The emperor looked at the sky, but the star was still twinkling brightly.
The king got extremely angry. He thought the sage was ridiculing him and the king decided to make an example out of him.
In front of the entire court, he had the sage beheaded.
Everyone laughed at the lunatic sage whose lunacy/lies had resulted him getting beheaded.
A few hundred years went by and an astronomer was looking in the skies through his telescope. Suddenly, in front of his eyes, a star he was looking at vanished
It was the same star that the king had ordered the disappearance of and the sage made it happen!
But because it was hundreds of light years away, it took hundreds of years for light from the star to vanish!
The sage had indeed done what the king asked him to do. But because of their ignorance, the king and the crowd did not realize what had happened and the sage was beheaded.
The sage died because he only had power over the cosmos, not over the foolish majority of humanity, who had him killed.
The lesson is 1) Don’t try to waste your time convincing the fools. They don’t have common sense, but they often have enough power to make your life hell.
2) Sometimes, the majority is so brainwashed with ignorance that it takes hundreds of years for them to finally “get it.”
If you still steadfastly belong to the whole “Hard work conquers all” cult, you might as well stop reading now, because you are not my reader.
To be my reader, you have to be TIRED of the nonsense the world feeds you.
You have to be in tremendous pain, agony and disillusionment from the societal script handed to you since your childhood, that has clearly not worked as well everyone said it would
Only if you are in that tremendous pain and looking for a NEW PATH that rejects useless conventional wisdom fed to you, will this be useful to you.
And if you are indeed at that stage, the NEW PATH I suggest in these pages may literally change your life.
The book may not be useful to you at 20 but maybe life changing at 35. Or it may change your life at 20 or maybe at 60 or maybe never at all. The big question is are you READY?
“Even with a good teacher, the knowledge of the Self cannot be gained unless the heart of the disciple is open and ready for the Truth. Hence both the teacher and taught must be wonderful.” – Katha Upanishad
You can also download my first book, Unlearn: A Practical Guide to Business & Life at Unlearn: A Practical Guide to Business & Life, by Anubhav Srivastava(